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There are some software packages that cannot easily be pigeon holed into one of the above groups. These are all reviewed in this category. If you cannot find the software you are looking for then try here.


a-zmapssw.php A-Z Street Maps
The A-Z Digital Mapping software has been designed for the Pocket PC running Windows® CE This product does not come with any mapping. To obtain full use from this software you will have to also purchase maps from the A-Z Mapping Catalogue which lists over 70 towns and cities throughout the UK.
Endomondo--Selected-By-Android-For-Innovation-6485.php Endomondo Selected By Android For Innovation
This is a news article from PocketGPSWorld.com titled - Endomondo Selected By Android For Innovation
Garmin-Get-In-On-The-Act-With-Star-Wars-Voices-8105.php Garmin Get In On The Act With Star Wars Voices
This is a news article from PocketGPSWorld.com titled - Garmin Get In On The Act With Star Wars Voices
globalsat-gh601.php Globalsat GH-601 Wristband GPS Review
PocketGPSWorld.com review of Globalsat
gpsideaspreview.php GPS Ideas PREVIEW for the Pocket PC
GPS Ideas is a new product from JGUI designed specifically for the Pocket PC and any GPS device. On similar lines to OziExplorer CE, it allows you to import any map that you create in JPG or Windows Bitmap format (BMP) and currently is supplied with a world map.
gpsideas.php GPS Ideas
GPSIDEA is a program allows you to use your Pocket Personal Computer with GPS receiver easier, more reliable and efficiently. It collects your trip, driving, walking, climbing moves, viewpoints, tracks, and give you a maximum of today
gpspointsw.php GPS Point
GPS Point is a program that allows you to create and develop powerful applications around GPS, without programming. GPS Point allows you to capture up to 19 GPS outputs in accordance with the NMEA standards. You can pick up UTM Easting, Northing and Zone based on WGS-84 global standard, GPS Point is optimised for the Navman GPS sleeve for Compaq Pocket PC
livingstonesw.php Livingstone Guides
Livingstone was developed soon after the Pocket PC was introduced. The Pocket PC gave users a very powerful hand-held device with a user-friendly screen (full-colour and 3 times the size of the Palm mono screen), 32 MB of RAM as standard (Palm had 8 MB), and the ability to expand its memory by over 200 MB using industry-standard CF cards. In addition, a number of small easy-to-use handheld or plug-in GPS units were becoming available for use with Pocket PCs. Lastly, users were frustrated by not being able to have their own familiar paper maps available on this marvellous device.
RoadTour-Announce-Britains-Finest-3324.php RoadTour Announce Britains Finest
This is a news article from PocketGPSWorld.com titled - RoadTour Announce Britains Finest
TomTom-signup-Billy-Connolly-to-give-you-direction-8395.php TomTom signup Billy Connolly to give you direction
This is a news article from PocketGPSWorld.com titled - TomTom signup Billy Connolly to give you direction


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